- Source:
Expose internal methods to end user for usability
(static) add_cly_events(event)
- Source:
Add events to event queue
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | countly event |
(static) add_event(element, type, listener)
- Source:
Listen to specific browser event
Name | Type | Description |
element |
HTMLElement | HTML element that should listen to event |
type |
String | event name or action |
listener |
function | callback when event is fired |
(static) addNewProperties(orig, transferOb, props) → {Object}
- Source:
Add specified properties to an object from another object
Name | Type | Description |
orig |
Object | original object |
transferOb |
Object | object to copy values from |
props |
Array | array with properties to get from object |
original object with additional requested properties
- Type
- Object
(static) clearQueue()
- Source:
Clear queued data
(static) createNewObjectFromProperties(orig, props) → {Object}
- Source:
Retrieve only specific properties from object
Name | Type | Description |
orig |
Object | original object |
props |
Array | array with properties to get from object |
new object with requested properties
- Type
- Object
(static) currentUserAgentString(uaOverride) → {string}
- Source:
Returns raw user agent string
Name | Type | Description |
uaOverride |
string | a string value to pass instead of ua value |
currentUserAgentString - raw user agent string
- Type
- string
(static) generateUUID() → {String}
- Source:
Generate random UUID value
random UUID value
- Type
- String
(static) get_event_target(event) → {HTMLElement}
- Source:
Get element that fired event
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | event that was filed |
HTML element that caused event to fire
- Type
- HTMLElement
(static) get_page_coord(e) → {Event}
- Source:
Modify event to set standard coordinate properties if they are not available
Name | Type | Description |
e |
Event | event object |
modified event object
- Type
- Event
(static) getDocHeight() → {Number}
- Source:
Get height of whole document
height in pixels
- Type
- Number
(static) getDocWidth() → {Number}
- Source:
Get width of whole document
width in pixels
- Type
- Number
(static) getEventQueue() → {Array}
- Source:
Get event queue
event queue
- Type
- Array
(static) getInternalDeviceIdType() → {String}
- Source:
Fetches the current device Id type
token - auth token
- Type
- String
(static) getLastView() → {String}
- Source:
Get last view that user visited
view name
- Type
- String
(static) getMetrics() → {Object}
- Source:
Get metrics of the browser or config object
Metrics object
- Type
- Object
(static) getMsTimestamp() → {Number}
- Source:
Get unique timestamp in milliseconds
milliseconds timestamp
- Type
- Number
(static) getRequestQueue() → {Array}
- Source:
Get request queue
request queue
- Type
- Array
(static) getStoredIdOrGenerateId() → {String}
- Source:
Get device ID, stored one, or generate new one
device id
- Type
- String
(static) getTimestamp() → {Number}
- Source:
Get unix timestamp
unix timestamp
- Type
- Number
(static) getToken() → {String}
- Source:
Get auth token
auth token
- Type
- String
(static) getUA() → {string}
- Source:
Get and return user agentAgent
returns userAgent string
- Type
- string
(static) getValueFromStorage(key, useLocalStorage, useRawKey) → {Varies}
- Source:
Storage function that acts as getter, can be used for fetching data from local storage or cookies
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String | storage key |
useLocalStorage |
Boolean | if false, will fallback to cookie storage |
useRawKey |
Boolean | if true, raw key will be used without any prefix |
values stored for key
- Type
- Varies
(static) getViewportHeight() → {Number}
- Source:
Get height of viewable area
height in pixels
- Type
- Number
(static) heartBeat() → {void}
- Source:
Making request making and data processing loop
- Type
- void
(static) hideLoader()
- Source:
Hide loader UI
(static) isResponseValid(statusCode, str) → {Boolean}
- Source:
Check if the http response fits the bill of:
- The HTTP response code was successful (which is any 2xx code or code between 200 <= x < 300)
- The returned request is a JSON object
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode |
Number | http incoming statusCode. |
str |
String | response from server, ideally must be: {"result":"Success"} or should contain at least result field |
- returns true if response passes the tests
- Type
- Boolean
(static) isResponseValidBroad(statusCode, str) → {Boolean}
- Source:
Check if the http response fits the bill of:
- The HTTP response code was successful (which is any 2xx code or code between 200 <= x < 300)
- The returned request is a JSON object or JSON Array
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode |
Number | http incoming statusCode. |
str |
String | response from server, ideally must be: {"result":"Success"} or should contain at least result field |
- returns true if response passes the tests
- Type
- Boolean
(static) isUUID(providedId) → {Boolean}
- Source:
Check if value is in UUID format
Name | Type | Description |
providedId |
string | Id to check |
true if it is in UUID format
- Type
- Boolean
(static) loadCSS(css, callback)
- Source:
Load external css files
Name | Type | Description |
css |
String | path to CSS file |
callback |
function | callback when done |
(static) loadJS(js, callback)
- Source:
Load external js files
Name | Type | Description |
js |
String | path to JS file |
callback |
function | callback when done |
(static) log(level, message)
- Source:
Logging stuff, works only when debug mode is true
Name | Type | Description |
level |
string | log level (error, warning, info, debug, verbose) |
message |
string | any string message |
(static) prepareParams(params) → {String}
- Source:
Convert JSON object to URL encoded query parameter string
Name | Type | Description |
params |
Object | object with query parameters |
URL encode query string
- Type
- String
(static) processScroll()
- Source:
Get max scroll position
(static) processScrollView()
- Source:
Process scroll data
(static) removeValueFromStorage(key, useLocalStorage, useRawKey)
- Source:
A function that can be used for removing data from local storage or cookies
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String | storage key |
useLocalStorage |
Boolean | if false, will fallback to removing cookies |
useRawKey |
Boolean | if true, raw key will be used without any prefix |
(static) reportViewDuration()
- Source:
Report duration of how long user was on this view
(static) sendXmlHttpRequest(functionName, url, params, callback, useBroadResponseValidator)
- Source:
Making xml HTTP request
Name | Type | Description |
functionName |
String | Name of the function making the request for more detailed logging |
url |
String | URL where to make request |
params |
Object | key value object with URL params |
callback |
function | callback when request finished or failed |
useBroadResponseValidator |
Boolean | if true that means the expected response is either a JSON object or a JSON array, if false only JSON |
(static) setToken(token)
- Source:
Set auth token
Name | Type | Description |
token |
String | auth token |
(static) setValueInStorage(key, value, useLocalStorage, useRawKey)
- Source:
Storage function that acts as setter, can be used for setting data into local storage or as cookies
Name | Type | Description |
key |
String | storage key |
value |
Varies | value to set for key |
useLocalStorage |
Boolean | if false, will fallback to storing as cookies |
useRawKey |
Boolean | if true, raw key will be used without any prefix |
(static) showLoader()
- Source:
Show loader UI when loading external data
(static) stripTrailingSlash(str) → {String}
- Source:
Removing trailing slashes
Name | Type | Description |
str |
String | string from which to remove trailing slash |
modified string
- Type
- String
(static) toRequestQueue(request)
- Source:
Add request to request queue
Name | Type | Description |
request |
Object | object with request parameters |
(static) userAgentDeviceDetection(uaOverride) → {string}
- Source:
Returns device type information according to user agent string
Name | Type | Description |
uaOverride |
string | a string value to pass instead of ua value |
userAgentDeviceDetection - current device type (desktop, tablet, phone)
- Type
- string
(static) userAgentSearchBotDetection(uaOverride) → {boolean}
- Source:
Returns information regarding if the current user is a search bot or not
Name | Type | Description |
uaOverride |
string | a string value to pass instead of ua value |
userAgentSearchBotDetection - if a search bot is reaching the site or not
- Type
- boolean